Universidade de São PauloAzevedo Junior, Walter Filgueira de2016-09-212016-09-212014-03-11http://www.teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/54/54132/tde-10032014-173729/http://repositorio.ifsc.usp.br/handle/RIIFSC/7116Foram determinadas as estruturas de três complexos de Platina, dois complexos de estanho e um ligante orgânico. AS intensidades das reflexões foram medidas com umdifratômetro CAD-4. As estruturas foram resolvidas por métodos diretos ou pela função de Patterson e refinadas por mínimos quadrados. Bis (fenilsulfonil) etano, C14H14(SO2)2, foi obtido durante as tentativas de sintetizar ligantes para serem usados na complexação com diversos organo-estânicos, o cristal pertence ao sistema moniclínico, P21/n, a= 8,495(3), b= 10,159(1), c= 9,072(1)Å, β= 116,23(2) °, V= 702,3(3) ޵, Z= 2, dcalc= 1,467g.cm-3. Cis-dicloro[meso-1,2-bis(n-propilsulfinil)etano]platina(II), PtCl2. (PrSO)2C2H4, o cristal pertence ao sistema ortorrômbico, P212121, a= 7,360(2), b= 9,793(2), c= 19,369(2)Å, V= 1396,1(4)޵, Z= 4, dcalc= 2,25g.cm-3. Trans-diclorol[(trietilfosfina) (2-metilsulfinil)piridina)]platina(II), Et3PPtCl 2.PySOMe, o cristal pertence ao sistema monoclínico, P21/c, a= 8,067(3), b= 8,5184(9), c= 25,592(3)Å, β= 92,000(9)°, V= 1757,6(7)޵, Z= 4, dcalç= 1,98g.cm-3. Trans-dicloro [(trietilfosfina)(2-n-propilsulfinil)piridina)]platina(II), Et3PPtCl2.PySOPr, o cristal pertence ao sistema triclínico, P-1, a= 8,254(3), b= 8,377(4), c= 14,531(4)Å, α= 87,14(3), β= 82,83(3), Υ= 84,10(3)°, V= 991,0(7)޵, Z= 2, dcalc= 1,78g.cm-3. Mer-tricloro [(2-metilsulfinil)benzotiazol)]metilestanho(IV), MeSnCl3.BtSOMe)2, o cristal pertence ao sistema monoclínico, C2/c, a= 20,083(2), b= 17,406(1), c= 14,415(2)Å, β= 108,06(3), V= 4790,5(8)޵, Z= 8, dcalc= 1,78g.cm-3. Hidroxi cloreto de difenil estanho (IV) + mesobis (fenilsulfinil)metano, SnClOHPh2 + Ph2(SO) 2CH2, o cristal pertence ao sistema monoclínico, P21/c, a= 10,540(3), b= 9,743(1), c= 24,099(7)Å, β= 92,95(2), V= 2471(1)޵, Z= 4, dcalç= 1,58g.cm-3The structures of three platinum complexes, two organotin compounds and organic ligand were determined. The reflection intensities were measured with a CAD-4 automatic diffractometer. The structures were solved by direct methods or the Patterson function and were refined by least squares method. Bis (phenylsulfonyl)ethane, C14H14(SO2)2, was obtained among attempts to synthesize ligands to be used for complexation with several organotins, the crystal belongs to the monoclinic system, P21/n, a= 8,495(3), b= 10,159(1), c= 9,072(1)Å, β= 116,23(2) °, V= 702,3(3) ޵, Z= 2, dcalc= 1,467g.cm-3. Cis-dichloro [ meso 1,2-bis(n-propylsulphinyl)ethane]platinum(II), PtCl2. (PrSO)2C2H4 the crystal belongs to the orthorhombic system, P212121, a= 7,360(2), b= 9,793(2), c= 19,369(2)Å, V= 1396,1(4)޵, Z= 4, dcalc= 2,25g.cm-3. Trans-dichloro [(triethylphosphine) (2-methylsulphinyl)pyridine)]platinum(II), Et3PPtCl 2.PySOMe, the crystal belongs to the monoclinic system, P21/c, a= 8,067(3), b= 8,5184(9), c= 25,592(3)Å, β= 92,000(9)°, V= 1757,6(7)޵, Z= 4, dcalç= 1,98g.cm-3. Trans-dichloro [(triethylphosphine) (2-npropylsulphinyl) pyridine)]platinum(II), Et3PPtCl2.PySOPr, the crystal belongs to the orthorhombic system, P-1, a= 8,254(3), b= 8,377(4), c= 14,531(4)Å, α= 87,14(3), β= 82,83(3), Υ= 84,10(3)°, V= 991,0(7)޵, Z= 2, dcalc= 1,78g.cm-3. Mer-trichloro[(2-methylsulphinyl)benzothiazole)]methyltin(IV), MeSnCl3.BtSOMe)2 the crystal belongs to the monoclinic system, C2/c, a= 20,083(2), b= 17,406(1), c= 14,415(2)Å, β= 108,06(3), V= 4790,5(8)޵, Z= 8, dcalc= 1,78g.cm-3. Hidroxe chloride diphenyl tin (IV) + mesobis (phenylsulphinyl)methane, SnClOHPh2 + Ph2(SO) 2CH2 the crystal belongs to the monoclinic system, P21/c, a= 10,540(3), b= 9,743(1), c= 24,099(7)Å, β= 92,95(2), V= 2471(1)޵, Z= 4, dcalç= 1,58g.cm-3application/pdfComplexos de estanho e de platinaDifração de raios XEstrutura cristalinaCrystal structureTin and Platinum complexesX-ray diffractionDeterminação da estrutura de alguns complexos de estanho e de platinaCrystal structure of complexes of tin and platinumDissertação de MestradoAzevedo Junior, Walter Filgueira de10.11606/D.54.1992.tde-10032014-173729