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    Study of excitations in a Bose-Einstein condensate
    (2011-11-01) Harutinian, Jorge Amin Seman
    In this work we study a Bose-Einstein condensate of 87Rb under the effects of an oscillatory excitation. The condensate is produced through forced evaporative cooling by radio-frequency in a harmonic magnetic trap. The excitation is generated by an oscillatory quadrupole field superimposed on the trapping potential. For a fixed value of the frequency of the excitation we observe the production of different regimes in the condensate as a function of two parameters of the excitation: the time and the amplitude. For the lowest values of these parameters we observe a bending of the main axis of the condensate. This demonstrates that the excitation is able to transfer angular momentum into the sample. By increasing the time or the amplitude of the excitation we observe the nucleation of an increasing number of quantized vortices. If the value of the parameters of the excitation is increased even further the vortices evolve into a different regime which we have identified as quantum turbulence. In this regime, the vortices are tangled among each other, generating a highly irregular array. For the highest values of the excitation the condensate breaks into pieces surrounded by a thermal cloud. This constitutes a different regime which we have identified as granulation. We present numerical simulations together with other theoretical considerations which allow us to interpret our observations. In this thesis we also describe the construction of a second experimental setup whose objective is to study magnetic properties of a Bose-Einstein condensate of 87Rb. In this new system the condensate is produced in a hybrid trap which combines a magnetic trap with an optical dipole trap. Bose-Einstein condensation has been already achieved in the new apparatus; experiments will be performed in the near future.