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    Investigation of the momentum distribution of an excited Bose-Einstein condensate: coupling to the normal modes
    (2015-03-09) Bahrami, Abasalt
    Turbulence is a young field of research which is characterized by chaotic spinning flow regimes which appears in many important processes in nature. Vorticity, in superfluid systems, may present the simplest form of turbulence, and be a gateway to the study of this phenomenon in quantum gases. A 87Rb Bose condensate was used to observe and investigate the emergence of quantum turbulence, a few years back in our group. The vortices are created on the condensed-thermal interface and propagate across the cloud, setting up the experimental conditions favorable to the emergence of turbulence. Once the turbulent regime is set, the condensate is released and expands under free fall. Then, the atomic density profile is acquired, after some time-of-flight, and used to determine the in situ momentum distribution of the BEC. In this work, we have observed that, the perturbed density profiles are characteristic and different from the standard, non-perturbed ones. We have seen evidences of power law in the studied momentum and energy distributions and also coupling of quadrupolar mode to the momentum distribution of the excited condensate which is the main part of our findings. Additional features of the system, such as the condensates excited collective modes which plays a very important role on the roadmap to the turbulence regime, are discussed. We are currently setting up an experiment to be able to further investigate such features, and also to unfold the effects of interactions on the energy and momentum spectra associated to the density profiles. In doing so, we will further develop the tools and techniques needed to acquire more accurate and reliable results.